New Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin free DLC Announced

For use in the Premium Adventure mode of Ishin you’ll be able to get the Chiyo Kanamaru sword(bellow) and Armor Breaker gun(above).

Both of these items will also come with a vegetable pack that will include a bunch of recovery items and heat boosting items.

Each item will be rolled out free with each new update of the game starting with the sword on 28/2/2014 and the gun on 7/3/2014.

Source: YakuzaFan

About the author:

João Vítor Buscatto Silva
João Vítor is a Brazilian undergraduate. He is a fan of J-RPGS, Action and Adventure games, being Yakuza one of his favorite series. He is Webmaster of Tojo HQ and Co-Webmaster of Projeto Sega Brasil.

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