RGG Ishin! sells more than 220k units on its first week!
According to MediaCreate, Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin! sold more than 220k units on its first week. 138k physical units of the PS3 version were sold, while more than 82k units of the PS4 version were sold at the same period. VGChartz.com diverges at the numbers of the PS4 version, saying that 78k units were sold.
The game was the Global Best Seller of the week in the PS3 side, while it was the 2nd Global Best Seller in the PS4 side, losing just to Knack, still according to VGChartz.
Although it may seem a weaker start near the 360k units sold in the first week of Yakuza 5, note that RGG Ishin! is a Spin-Off and we are in the beggining of a new console generation. Also, keep in mind that MediaCreate and VGChartz don't have data on the digital sales(Ishin! is the first title, after 1&2 HD, that receives a Digital Version).
Just as a curiosity, 319k units of the PS4 were sold on its first week at the Japan. It means that, so far, 4 in every 10 owners of the console in Japan have the game, also just counting the physical versions of the game.
While it seems a positive start, we need to wait the publish of official numbers from Sega to mesure the success of the release, which must occur in May 2014. Stay tunned in Tojo HQ to any new information!
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