On its second week, RGG Ishin! maintain strong sales

After a really good start, with more than 220k units sold on its first week, Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin! maintain strong sales on its second week.

According to MediaCreate, the PS3 version of the game sold 54k units, appearing on the 4th position of the chart, while the PS4 version sold more than 22.4 k units, appearing on the 8th position of the chart.

Combining the sales of both versions, the game sold more than 76.6k units this week, totaling 297.3k units since the first week.

As we said on our previous post, this numbers just count the physical sold units. To have a precise analysis on the situation, we need to wait the official numbers from SegaSammy Financial Report, that should be released in May 2014. Stay tuned to Tojo HQ to any news or updates about that numbers!

About the author:

João Vítor Buscatto Silva
João Vítor is a Brazilian undergraduate. He is a fan of J-RPGS, Action and Adventure games, being Yakuza one of his favorite series. He is Webmaster of Tojo HQ and Co-Webmaster of Projeto Sega Brasil.

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