Update #7.1

Hey there everyone! After many days of work, the Reboot! is here! As you can see, many things changed to the site, we have a new template/design and, above all, from now on the site is going to be fully translated into English. We have decided to change the site's language because more than 70% of our visitors are from countries that don't speak Portuguese. And everyone knows that a 'translator' isn't very accurate. Since we have a lot of content already, there is still a lot of content in Portuguese, but we will fully translate it in 1 or 2 weeks. Here you can see a summary of the first part of the Reboot! Update:

-We reformuled the Sections Main Pages to be something easir to navigate, as well to match our new design.
Take a look at the Sections: Main Info, Games, Downloads, Entertainment and Other Content.
-We have many new interviews from Ishin! Take a look by clicking here!
-We have a new post in the humor Section, take a look!
-Now we are gonna be active users on YouTube. For now, enjoy our little opening that we will use in our videos from now on!

-We have new Partners! NAOKiryu, a great tumblr about Kiryu-san, and The Website of The Dead, the #1 fan site about the franchise The House of The Dead. Take a look at them! We would like to say thanks to them about this new partnership! We hope this turns into great results for our sites!

Well, that's it boys. Next part of the Update is in 4 hours, stay tunned in TojoHQ!

About the author:

João Vítor Buscatto Silva
João Vítor is a Brazilian undergraduate. He is a fan of J-RPGS, Action and Adventure games, being Yakuza one of his favorite series. He is Webmaster of Tojo HQ and Co-Webmaster of Projeto Sega Brasil.

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