Curiosity #3 ~ Yakuza Sushi Bar

We found a Sushi Bar in Santiago de Chile, capital of the Country, that is named 'Yakuza Sushi Bar'. It's probably just a coincidence, but take a look at their logo:

Even though it must be just a coincidence, it's still interesting! The Yakuza Sushi Bar have three restaurants around Santiago. You can find the addresses, as well other information, in their official site or their Facebook Page. Are you from Chile? Have you ever been at this Sushi Bar? Talk about your experience in the comments!

About the author:

João Vítor Buscatto Silva
João Vítor is a Brazilian undergraduate. He is a fan of J-RPGS, Action and Adventure games, being Yakuza one of his favorite series. He is Webmaster of Tojo HQ and Co-Webmaster of Projeto Sega Brasil.

2 comentários:

  1. A quick look at my Yakuza PS3 copies and that logo is definitely copyrighted with a TM (Trademark) in the upper right. Those guys are using the logo without SEGA's permission but in the end I doubt they'll even do anything.

    1. In other words, no coincidence; it's a unique logo that was invented for the localized games. There's a font similiar to it, but if you type "YAKUZA" it definitely isn't the same. They lifted that.


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