WTF Moment of the week: Kazuma and Majima clothes in PSO2

Ok, this is, at least, unexpected.
In a new cross-over between Phantasy Star Online 2 and other owned series, SEGA will include clothes from Ryu Ga Gotoku in its popular MMORPG. As we can see at the trailer below, you will be able to look like Kazuma/Sakamoto Ryoma(from RGG Ishin!) or Majima(on his tradicional clothes/appearence).


Other series, like Valkyria Chronicles, will also appear. The conttent will be available in June, but we don't have any information for how long. We will keep you guys updated on any new information about this.

Thanks to Manta Oyamada, owner of our partner PSO2Up! by sharing the video and info.

This news isn't so WTF, I was just in the mood to use a new meme :D

About the author:

João Vítor Buscatto Silva
João Vítor is a Brazilian undergraduate. He is a fan of J-RPGS, Action and Adventure games, being Yakuza one of his favorite series. He is Webmaster of Tojo HQ and Co-Webmaster of Projeto Sega Brasil.

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